‘An overwhelming acquittal’
That’s how a colleague described the following excerpt from a recently released Quebec criminal case. Pretty funny stuff.
Check it out:
CONCLUSION [173] Having considered the evidence as a whole, it is common ground that the Crown has failed to prove the accused’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
[174] In the modern-day vernacular, people often refer to a criminal case “being thrown out”. Obviously, this is little more than a figurative expression. Cases aren’t actually thrown out, in the literal or physical sense. Nevertheless, in the specific circumstances of this case, the Court is inclined to actually take the file and throw it out the window, which is the only way to adequately express my bewilderment with the fact that Mr. Epstein was subjected to an arrest and a fulsome criminal prosecution. Alas, the courtrooms of the Montreal courthouse do not have windows.
[175] A mere verdict of acquittal will have to suffice.
FOR THESE REASONS, the accused is found not guilty on all charges.
Absolute gold. Case here: R. c. Epstein, 2023 QCCQ 630 (CanLII)